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2020 Show
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A Little About Eddie
A Little About Dad
Eddie Laster (Dad) was always a car enthusiast and as much as he loved cars he enjoyed being around others that shared that same passion.
Dad had many cars through the years but was known for his three cars. He first purchased the red 1964 ½ Ford Mustang convertible, shortly after that purchase he found his 1969 Camaro, both of the cars were bought in the mid to late 1970s. The Camaro soon became Dad’s daily driver to and from work and also would pick up my sister, Nikki and myself from school, I remember hoping he would be late so my friends wouldn’t see or hear Dad’s loud car, boy how things change, I love to hear that rumble now and love the looks of a ’69 Camaro. Well, his next car he purchased in 2005. He looked for this car for years and all over but ended up finding the car local. The torch red 1932 Ford three-window coupe, Dad’s little deuce coupe. This car became Dad’s prize car, he would say “It’s a work in process”, he would also say, “It’s not a real show car”, I never understood the last quote because I thought it was beautiful even before he started working on the car, the curves of the metal, just so beautiful. Dad worked hard throughout his life to get his cars, he was known at Reynold’s Metals which later became Ball Corporation as “Fast Eddie” and “Snicker”, he loved Snicker bars.
As beautiful as the 1932 coupe, Dad was a beautiful person as well. He always had a tender heart and would help anyone that he felt needed it. He was a quiet person that had a love for loud, beautiful cars. He loved his cars but not as much as he loved his wife, Connie, and his girls, Nikki and myself, Also his granddaughter and great-grandkids.
Dad worked on his car a little at a time. When he got the news of Stage 4 Kidney Cancer he still went to the car shows when he felt like going. His car was very close to being where he wanted it. He just lacked a few interior items. Mom has seen that his car was completed for this show, she also plans on taking it to attend other shows in the future.
While having his Cancer treatments at the Cancer Center in Bristol he was impressed by the people that would donate snacks for the patients that had to be there for some time due to there appointment to see the doctor and receive treatment. Sometimes it may be a pack of crackers or cupcakes celebrating a patient's birthday, just something so simple would lift him by thinking that someone cared enough to think of the patients and take time to volunteer to purchase the snacks and stock them. Sometimes there would be plenty and a lot to choose from and other times not too much to choose from, we are hoping that with this fundraiser we will be able to stock snacks for the patients on a weekly basis for some time.
The Family would like to Thank You in advance for any help in making this possible for the cancer patients through this fundraiser.
Lori Laster-Walker